Notes regarding the Small Business Guide

The general rule for all materials provided by World University is:
Where there are questions answer the questions.
Where there aren't, do summaries.

  1. So let us know how you went in the entrepreneurship quiz and what you thought about your results. (This can be anywhere from a paragraph to a page long).

  2. Then answer the questions on starting a business. (This is far and away the most intensive part of the Small Business Guide. The questions are about 7 pages long. Many of these only require a "Yes" or "No" answer. Though other questions can be answered in more depth. Your answers should add another 7 to 14 pages to the workbook.)

  3. After completing this, do summaries on the rest of the Small Business Guide. (If there any relevant questions given, then answer answer these. But otherwise do normal summaries.)

The Small Business Guide is considered as being equivalent to two modules. This is equivalent to 5 books (500 pages). Therefore each section is equal to ½ book. And on average there are 5 parts in each section – which is equal to a typical 10 page chapter – and requires approximately a page of summaries.

Given that the questions about starting a business are so extensive, it is O.K. to reduce the length of the remainder of your summaries for this module so that your actual answers total about 25 pages a module. (This will probably mean that the overall length per module (including the questions given) is about 30 pages or so.


You can either submit your summary in two parts, or wait till you complete the whole Small Business Guide and then submit both parts in one go. Either way, make sure you make it very clear what you have done in the subject line of your email:

i.e. This should be either: "Mod 7 - Small Business Guide - Part 1 - <Your Name> - <Your degree>" or "Mod 7 + 9 - Complete Small Bus. Guide - <Your Name> - <Your degree>""

Its always a good idea to include your name in the subject line as well as the degree you are doing. (So if you were called John Brown and you sent in the complete Small Business Guide then the subject line would be "Mod 7 + 9A & 12B - Complete Small Bus. Guide - John Brown - MBL")

* For the "Inspiring Thoughts" section you only need to study "Top 100 inspiring anecdotes, stories and wisdom (part 1)" and "Top 100 inspiring anecdotes, stories and wisdom (part 2)".

And you definitely don’t need to do summaries on each individual thought.

  • You could talk about “How I put into practise (one of them or some of them).

  • Or you could do a standard summary of the main underlying themes.

  • Or you could talk about why you particularly liked some of them (and found them most beneficial). And which thoughts you disliked or disagreed with.

Note that although you may not summarise all of them you may be asked a written or oral examination question on any of them. (These will be structured in such a way that if you have read it you will be able to answer (even if your memory isn’t perfect), but if you haven’t read them you won’t be able to answer.)

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